The Boudoir Kitty Calendar Project

Boudior Kitty Calendar_web3

Introducing the 2016 Boudoir Kitty Calendar—a furry-iously sexy 12-month wall calendar featuring original boudoir photography of some of the hottest kitty cats around!

Fishy Kitty_webSeriously.

I’ve been taking boudoir pictures for a while now, and I’m definitely a crazy cat lady—so what better way to liven up 2016 than by creating a unique boudoir kitty cat mash-up calendar full or original artwork?

I mean, who doesn’t NEED a boudoir kitty calendar hanging on their wall? Can you imagine a day where you don’t look up at these sexy kittens and crack a smile? Won’t 2016 be made infinitely better with this beautiful collection of weirdly purrrfect art hanging over your desk?

Yes.  Yes it will.

But this project will only come to fruition if backers fully fund the calendar on Kickstarter before November 27, 2015.

So take a look around, then click on over to Kickstarter and make a pledge – ensuring you receive your copy of the calendar hot-off-the press this holiday season!

Bald Kitty and BirdMidnite Yarn_webMilk Cat Square_web